Minutes of the Meeting
September 21, 2023 (hybrid meeting)
Attendees: Bill Donovan (President and Chair), Kate Borduas, Peter Freilinger, Judy Johnson, Barbara Kapp, Kathy Little, Susan Powell, Nancy Crowell (Director, non-voting), Catherine Morrison (Assistant Director, non-voting), Anne Janak (guest, non-voting)
Absent: Kim Corthell, Ellen Detlefsen, J. David Dittmer, Nicholas McGee
The meeting was called to order at 4:32 PM by Bill Donovan.
Consent Calendar: Discussion took place about minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting on August 15, 2023, and it was decided to redraft them and submit for approval at the next meeting. Motion to accept the Consent Calendar with the exception of the August 15, 2023 minutes was made by Kate Borduas, seconded by Peter Freilinger, and carried unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Dave Dittmer was unable to attend the meeting but had submitted a written report to the Board prior to the meeting. Motion to file the report for audit was made by Susan Powell, seconded by Judy Johnson, and carried unanimously.
Library Director’s Report: Nancy Crowell had distributed a written report and had no additional comments to make other than to emphasize how pleased she was with the Retirement Party.
Town Councilor’s Remarks: Nick McGee was unable to attend the meeting.
President’s Remarks: Bill Donovan had sent a message to the Board indicating that the PNG committee has been restructured and will now consist of Kim Corthell as chair, Ellen Detlefsen, Peter Freilinger, Anne Janak, Susan Powell, and Lenore Rapkin. They will take on the primary role of supporting Chip Schrader in his new role as Library Director and overseeing this transition for the Board.
Unfinished Business:
Suspension of Building Expansion Committee. Susan Powell recommended that the committee be suspended temporarily, since there is currently no need for it to convene. Nancy noted that in the past there was a Facilities Committee to address issues about the building. A question was asked about how monies raised during the expansion campaign were being used, and Nancy reported that they are being spent on a variety of items addressing the building’s infrastructure.
Report on Retirement Party. Kate Borduas described the party as a great event and reported that it had netted over $40,000 for Nancy’s Generator Fund. Although there is still no estimate on how much a generator will cost the library, this amount is a good start towards financing it. Nancy commented that there might be grant possibilities to help with funding. Kate told the Board that the CRD Committee, which had been focused on the party for the last several months, will kick into action again soon to make sure the library is represented at the polls in November. They will be seek everyone’s participation in this effort.
Succession planning — Official appointment of Richard Schrader. The offer of employment having been made and accepted, motion was made by Peter Freilinger to appoint Richard Schrader as Library Director and as Clerk of the Corporation, seconded by Susan Powell, and carried unanimously.
New Business:
Report and discussion on Community Center Ad Hoc Committee. Since Bill Donovan had not been able to attend the first meeting of the committee last week, Peter Freilinger went in his stead. He reported that it was an introductory session, the purpose of which was to appoint officers, establish a meeting schedule, and review the background and planned procedures of the community center project. The Town Council hopes the committee will move quickly to get a referendum on the ballot for November 2024. While the makeup of the committee is still in flux, Peter’s impression was that the membership is weighted more towards a desire for athletic and physical recreation space than the type of community meeting space which would ultimately benefit the library. Bill will report monthly on the progress of the committee.
Items for Next Agenda:
Presentation of the audit
Move to Enter Executive Session to Discuss Transition Responsibilities: Motion was made by Susan Powell, seconded by Kate Borduas, and carried unanimously.
Adjournment: Motion to adjourn was made by Susan Powell, seconded by Kate Borduas, and carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 6:06 PM.
Respectfully submitted by Barbara Kapp, Secretary