Minutes of the Meeting
January 18, 2024 (hybrid meeting)

Attendees: Bill Donovan (President and Chair), Jonathan Anderson, Kate Borduas, Kim Corthell, J. David Dittmer, Ellen Detlefsen, Peter Freilinger, Judy Johnson, Barbara Kapp, Kathy Little, Susan Powell, Richard Schrader (Director, non-voting), Catherine Morrison (Assistant Director, non-voting)


The meeting was called to order at 4:31 PM by Bill Donovan.

Consent Calendar: Motion to accept was made by Kate Borduas, seconded by Judy Johnson, and carried unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: Referring to the report he submitted to the Board prior to the meeting, Dave Dittmer noted that net income at this point is better than budgeted but not significantly so. Motion to file for audit was made by Kate Borduas, seconded by Ellen Detlefsen, and carried unanimously.

Library Director’s Report: Chip Schrader responded to a question about the replacement lighting in the library and explained that the new fixtures are LED and should be much more efficient than the old ones. Bill Donovan praised the improvement in the stacks, where new fixtures have already been installed.

Town Councilor’s Remarks: Jon Anderson reported that the Council is considering another Revaluation, since the last one was five years ago. Results of the recent community survey are back, and he commented that it would be instructive for the Board to have a conversation about the outcome at a future meeting. The Council has just approved a new charge for the school project, and a new committee is being formed to assist with the development of the expansion plan. This committee is open to anyone, and he encouraged Board members to consider joining and representing the library.

President’s Remarks: Bill Donovan reported that, despite the fact the Town Council has asked it to slow down, the Community Center Ad Hoc Committee continues to meet and forge ahead with its plans. He cautioned that the library may have to proceed with whatever expansion we can accomplish on our own, since the school and community center clearly take priority with the town.

Unfinished Business:

Audit follow up. Chip has pursued the possibility of changing the library’s practice of itemizing our collection as depreciation and, instead, writing books off as an expense. What we have been doing is not standard procedure for public libraries. He explained that expensing the collection will save a tremendous amount of staff time. The bookkeeper is on board with the new process, so it is already in the works. Meanwhile, Chip is also checking interest rates on the library’s savings account to see if we might be able to increase them.

Budget. Chip will circulate a final budget draft to the Board for approval before submitting it to the Town Council by the February 23 deadline. Discussion ensued about the library’s CIP request, which will also need to be approved by the Board. The question arose about whether or not a generator could be included in the request along with the HVAC system. The general feeling about this idea was positive.

Bylaws. Having circulated the revised Bylaws prior to the meeting, Kim Corthell noted that adoption of the Bylaws requires a 30-day notice, so the Board will vote at next month’s meeting. She explained that the PNG Committee decided to incorporate what had been referred to as Trustees Duties and Responsibilities into the Bylaws, rather than having two separate documents. 

ICL nomination for Chip Schrader. Kate Borduas recommended that the Board nominate and make it possible for Chip to participate in an excellent professional development opportunity offered by Maine Development Foundation. The Institute for Civic Leadership (ICL) is an eight month program for people from a variety of professions to develop and hone their leadership skills. It starts next September with a cost of $6,000. Motion was made by Dave Dittmer that the Board support Chip’s participation in the ICL program and authorize the financial means. It was seconded by Ellen Detlefsen and carried unanimously.

Note: Kate Borduas left at this point in the meeting, 5:41 PM.

Strategic planning. Kim Corthell reported that the PNG Committee will be meeting more frequently from now on and hopes to make a presentation to the Board in late February or early March.

Note: Peter Freilinger left at this point in the meeting, 5:45 PM.

Space limitation challenges. Chip pointed out that the biggest challenge in terms of space affects adult services, especially during the after-school rush. He is working with the department heads to optimize availability of space and computers for adult patrons.

Items for Next Agenda:

Final budget presentation
Bylaws adoption
Strategic planning update
Update on space limitation challenges

Trustee Comments:
Judy Johnson wondered about the total legal occupancy of the library. Chip will follow up and report back at the next meeting. 

Kathy Little notified the Board that the Friends will have a book sale on January 26-27 and
invited everyone to attend. Kim Corthell encouraged all to become members of the Friends.

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn was made by Ellen Detlefsen, seconded by Susan Powell, and
carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 5:53 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Barbara Kapp, Secretary

Meeting Date