January 18, 2018

Meeting called to order 6:31pm

Attending:  Anne Janak, Peter Hatem, Carl Helms, Emily Ward, Bill Onorato, Jim Kupel, Ginny Ketch, Emily Read, Nick McKelvy, Nancy Crowell, Library Director, Catherine Morrison, Assistant Director & Adult Services Manager

Absent: MaryAustin Dowd, Dan Dougherty, Shawn Babine, Betty Perry

Adoption of Minutes, November 16, 2017 - Motion to accept by McKelvy, seconded by Read; unanimously approved without further discussion

Treasurer’s Report - Filed for Audit

Library Director’s Report - Nancy shared two teen feedback forms from Nov/Dec; the Library received a $407.93 rebate from MEMIC’s workers compensation insurance

Town Councilor’s Remarks - No report

President’s Remarks - Anne remarked on how pleased she was with the joint meeting of the Building Expansion and Development/Community Relations Committees held on January as a great “jumping off point” for moving forward with building expansion plans.  She also referenced an inspiring TED Talk shared with the Board by Nancy.                      

Mission Moment - Emily Ward shared the impact the Library had in her life when she moved to Maine 20 years ago.  SPL became a place to meet people through the Friends of Scarborough Library (FOSL), programming, being on the Board, and how important it was and continues to be to her.

Consent Calendar:  Motion by Read, seconded by Hatem; unanimously approved with one question regarding the status of 100% trustee participation in the Annual Fund.  Nancy will present participation at a future trustee meeting

Building Expansion – 12/6/2017 minutes                      

Community Relations/Development – 12/4/2017 minutes

Joint Community Relations/Development & Building Expansion – 1/8/18 minutes

Finance/Investment – no meeting

Personnel, Nominating, Governance – See New Business

Friends of the Library Liaison –  1/11/2018

Unfinished Business:

Update on Solar project and EV charging station-Library Director - Nancy reported all contracts have been signed including a lease agreement with the Town due to their ownership of the property the Library is on.  The Town Engineer will help with installation which will yield approximately a $1000 savings.  The new charger cost is lower and there is a possibility of having solar panels installed on the unit.  The cost is approximately $4,000 and donations will fund the cost with visible recognition on the unit for the donor.  A request made to FOSL to fund.  Nancy to meet with Town’s public works engineer one more time to determine design and costs.  If money isn’t raised, a possible alternative is to have dummy panels only to serve as an educational purpose.  Nancy is meeting with ReVision Energy’s marketing staff and the Sustainability Coordinator for the Town.  The goal is to have the charger done by Earth Day, April 22, 2018.  Roof top panels may be held until May 2018.  Feedback on the project has been very positive.  The installation strategies are as follows:  a. Full installation with 100% of cost funded by donors, b. Supplemental panels if not all funds raised, c.  Dummy panels for education, d. No panels.

Motion: Approve addition of solar panels to EV charger to be funded by donations; motion by Hatem, seconded by Helms; unanimously approved.

New Business:

Presentation of community survey  Jim Kupel presented the draft survey and reviewed the two objectives 1) to engage the community and 2) raise awareness about SPL.  He noted that it is a convenience survey to help strategic planning and obtain a baseline.  It is not a clinical, political survey, or service assessment (i.e. satisfaction survey).  The survey will be sent to emails in the database for the newsletter and for those additional emails gathered at the polls in November.  Jim noted that the survey is intentionally vague.  Suggestions were made to for edits and additions of points to survey in question 3.  Question 4 is about demographics and a point was raised to review the age categories to match those in the last survey for comparative analysis purposes of respondents.  A question was raised as to whether a psychographic question should be included.  A question was raised regarding how the responses will be interpreted on the open-ended question.  We will seek out common themes from all responses.  Next steps for the survey are for the staff to review and provide input.  Distribution is scheduled for the end of January.  The analysis methodology is still to be determined. 

Discussion on talking points for Council Workshop – Tentatively scheduled for April 4 Suggestions should be sent to Nancy for review at Development/Community Relations Committee meeting in February. Trustees were provided an electronic copy of the PowerPoint presentation made at the last Town Council workshop.  The intent of that workshop was different than the upcoming one.  Discussion point made by Read to incorporate a time-lapse video clip of a typical day of the room setups, adjustments, and resets the meeting room goes through for various programs, meetings and events.  Board members agreed this would be impactful.  Other ideas discussed include: showing progress made on the strategic plan, bring the strategic plan to life and lay the foundation for future needs of the Library, and have the presentation evolve from an overview of services. Nancy will verify the date and the time of the workshop.

Presentation and approval of policy revisions – PNG committee

Motion to approve the review and revisions of the following policies:   

  • Policy on Private Tutoring (formerly Group Study and Tutoring)
  • Policy for the Evaluation of the Library Director
  • Policy on Library Director’s Personnel Authority - Board discussion about the evaluation timeline and length of time to complete
  • Policy for Religious Holidays
  • Technology Committee description

Note:  Motion revised to allow 30-day notice for consent.  The footer date will be will changed to say “review” instead of ‘revised”.  Revised motion to accept the first reading of the following policies made by Hatem, seconded by Kupel with all in favor.

Presentation of Capsule Job Descriptions (annual review from perpetual calendar) - Director On hold until February Nancy will send electronically to trustees.

Items for next agenda:

  • Policy review revisions from January trustee meeting
  • New policies
  • Staff Appreciation Party Discussion
  • Budget parameters
  • Town Council Workshop presentation draft review

Adjournment - Meeting adjourned 8:05pm

Respectfully submitted,

Ginny Ketch, Co-Secretary

Meeting Date

January 18, 2018
6:30 PM
Meeting called to order
Adoption of Minutes, November 16, 2017
Treasurer’s Report
Library Director’s Report
Town Councilor’s Remarks
President’s Remarks
Mission Moment
Consent Calendar:     
Building Expansion – 12/6/2017 minutes                      
Community Relations/Development – 12/4/2017 minutes
Joint Community Relations/Development & Building Expansion – 1/8/18 minutes
Finance/Investment – no meeting
Personnel, Nominating, Governance – See New Business
Friends of the Library Liaison –  1/11/2018
Unfinished Business:
Update on Solar project and EV charging station-Library Director
Motion: Approve addition of solar panels to EV charger to be funded by donations
New Business:
Presentation of community survey – Jim Kupel
Discussion on talking points for Council Workshop – Tentatively scheduled for April 4
Presentation and approval of policy revisions – PNG committee
Motion to approve the review and revisions of the following policies:

Policy on Private Tutoring (formerly Group Study and Tutoring)

Policy for the Evaluation of the Library Director

Policy on Library Director’s Personnel Authority

Policy for Religious Holidays

Technology Committee description

Presentation of Capsule Job Descriptions (annual review from perpetual calendar) - Director
Items for next agenda:
Trustee Comments