Minutes of the Meeting 
May 16, 2024 (hybrid meeting) 

Attendees: Bill Donovan (President and Chair), Kate Borduas, Kim Corthell, Ellen Detlefsen, J. David Dittmer, Peter Freilinger, Judy Johnson, Barbara Kapp, Kathy Little, Susan Powell, Richard Schrader (Director, non-voting), Catherine Morrison (Assistant Director, non-voting), Marianne Walters (Development Coordinator, non-voting)

Absent: Jonathan Anderson 

The meeting was called to order at 4:31 PM by Bill Donovan. He started the meeting by asking Chip Schrader to introduce Marianne Walters, who joined the staff recently as development coordinator. 

Consent Calendar: Motion to accept was made by Kate Borduas, seconded by Barbara Kapp, and carried unanimously. 

Treasurer’s Report: Dave Dittmer submitted a written report to the Board prior to the meeting, pointing out that it was a draft budget pending receipt of the final bank numbers for the month. He will distribute a corrected version as soon as he has the final figures from the bank. Motion to file for audit was made by Peter Freilinger, seconded by Kate Borduas, and carried unanimously. 

Library Director’s Report: Chip Schrader had submitted a detailed report to the Board in advance of the meeting but noted a couple of updates. Elsa Rowe is submitting a grant request for the proposed sundial through the Maine State Library, and a private donor has asked about giving two more stone benches to be placed in front of the building. A discussion ensued about the library’s curb appeal with emphasis on an organized approach to our outdoor presence. 

Town Councilor’s Remarks: Jon Anderson was unable to attend the meeting but sent a message through Chip to let the Board know that the Council had just approved the library’s budget, including the capital requests. Peter Freilinger commented that Chip had done an outstanding job on the budget. 

President’s Remarks: Bill Donovan said that he continues to sit on the Community Center Ad Hoc committee. He described the plan as an elaborate project which will include an indoor pool and other exercise facilities, but that it will also serve as a community meeting place, possibly fulfilling some of the functions the library had hoped to cover with our proposed expansion. 

Unfinished Business: 

Strategic plan update: Kim Corthell, chair of the SPG committee, had circulated a draft strategic plan in advance of the meeting. She reported that the committee had held two focus groups with prominent community members and reviewed the plan with them, and those conversations resulted in a couple of improvements to the wording. The committee hopes to produce the plan in a graphically appealing format which could be used as a centerpiece in approaching potential donors. 

Motion to accept the strategic plan as presented by the committee was made by Kate Borduas, seconded by Barbara Kapp, and carried unanimously. 

Staff Appreciation: Kate Borduas, chair of the CRD committee, urged everyone to attend the “Close and Clean Day” team-building event for Board and staff on Wednesday, May 22. Lunch will be provided, and all staff members will receive a $100 gift card. 

Nominating Committee: Bill Donovan reported that he, Kate Borduas, and Peter Freilinger comprise the committee. They have met once and will do so again soon, and they want recommendations for new trustees and officers. In particular, we need some members with financial expertise. 

Director’s evaluation: Susan Powell said that she, Kim Corthell, and Bill Donovan had a great conversation with Chip about the results of his recent evaluation. She thanked everyone for their input and commented that it had been an excellent, valuable exercise for all. 

Items for Next Agenda: 

Outdoor improvements (including a gazebo and repointing of the masonry) 

Trustee Comments: Kathy Little noted that the Friends have just launched their annual appeal for membership, and Board members should have received an email asking them to join. All are encouraged to become members of the Friends. 

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn was made by Peter Freilinger, seconded by Kathy Little, and carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 5:41 PM. 

Respectfully submitted by Barbara Kapp, Secretary

Meeting Date