Minutes of the Meeting
April 25, 2024
Attendees: Bill Donovan (President and Chair), Kate Borduas, Susan Powell, Kim Corthell, Kathy Little, Richard Schrader (Director, non-voting) Peter Freilinger, Judy Johnson, Ellen Detlefsen
Absent: J. David Dittmer, Barbara Kapp, Jonathon Anderson
The meeting was called to order at 4:33 PM by Bill Donovan
Consent Calendar: Motion to accept was made by Susan Powell, seconded by Kim Corthell and carried unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Dave Dittmer was unable to attend the meeting but had submitted a written report to the Board prior to the meeting. Chip Schrader noted that the annual budget presentation to the town officials went well, including the CIP request for a generator. Motion to accept report was made by Kate Borduas, seconded by Susan Powell and carried unanimously.
Library Director’s Report: Chip Schrader submitted a detailed report to the Board in advance of the meeting. Chip also reported that upon the death of Elsbeth Gearhart Bellemer, Youth Services will be the beneficiary of a sizable gift. He also announced Hailie Posey will be moving on and the vacancy announcement for her position has begun. Looking to adjust summer hours to commence on Memorial Day through Labor Day. Motion to accept was made by Kim Corthell, seconded by Ellen Detlefsen and carried unanimously.
President’s Remarks: Bill Donovan commented that the Town hired UTILE, a consultant to address the Community Center. He commented that the consultants outlined a few potential sites for the Center.
Unfinished Business:
Strategic Plan update: Kim Corthell, chair of the SPG committee will hold two focus groups in early May to discuss the Strategic Plan. Invitations will be sent to key library supporters asking them to attend. SPG hopes to have final draft of the plan for the Board to ratify at the May meeting.
Kim Corthell left Meeting at 4:58PM
Town Councilor’s Remarks: Jon Anderson was unable to attend the meeting therefore there was no news to report.
Space Limitation Challenges: Chip commented that the French Group requested additional space which cannot be fulfilled currently. He also commented that SPG and the Board space takes away from kid’s activities. Chip will continue to keep a list of requests for space that the Library cannot fulfill due to current space limitations.
Staff Appreciation: Chip announced that May 22 is the date for staff appreciation and Board can arrive at noon.
Budget: Chip reported that budget went over well and due to a modest increase he does not foresee any issues, including the generator proposal.
Nominating Committee: Inaugural meeting was held today at 4:00 PM. Peter announced that Barb Kapp will be leaving as trustee and will stay thru June. He also said Bill will stay on but not as chair. Send candidates to Nominating committee: Bill Donovan, Peter Freilinger, and Kate Borduas.
Peter Freilinger left meeting at 5:33PM
Board entered Executive Session at 5:35PM
Items for Next Agenda: Strategic planning update Budget results Staff Appreciation Nominating Committee
Adjournment: Motion to adjourn was made by Bill Donovan, seconded by Ellen Detlefsen, and carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 5:51PM. Reminder: next meeting is the third Thursday