January 16, 2014
7:00 PM
In Attendance: Nancy Crowell (Library Director), Carl Helms, Emily Read (Vice President), Sarah Taylor (Secretary), Kevin Carbin, Jr., Teresa Thompson (Treasurer), Anne Janak, Emily Ward (Friends Liaison,) Humphrey Doermann, Peter Hatem, Dan Dougherty, Linda Elliott (President)
Absent: Kate St. Clair
Introduction of Thomas Corbett, new Network Administrator:
Mr. Corbett was unable to attend due to illness.
Meeting called to order by President
Minutes Adoption of Minutes, November 21, 2013
Treasurer’s Report: Teresa Thompson
Accepted as written.
Library Director’s Report: Nancy Crowell
Accepted as written.
Friends of the Library Report: Emily Ward
Accepted as written
President’s Remarks: Linda Elliott
Welcome back after holidays; thanks for donations for Susan Winch gift. Trustees encouraged to have an “elevator speech” about merits/needs of library to share with others.
Consent Calendar:
Community Relations Committee
Development Committee
Minutes accepted from above committees.
Unfinished Business
- Strategic Planning: Review of Discussion with Tom Hall, Town Manager
Motion made to approach Tom Hall about our potential financial support for a shared consultant around town/library long-range facility planning
- Discussion of annual retreat plans
A crisp agenda was recommended for our retreat.
Potential agenda items: Review 2006 Building Plan
Date: SATURDAY APRIL 5 8:30 to 11:30 am. Location TBD.
New Business
Review of By-Laws
- Peter Hatem reviewed for the trustees.
- One minor change will be written for approval at next meeting.
Distribution of Library Director Evaluation Form
- Forms to be completed anonymously and mailed to Personnel Committee chair, Humphrey Doermann by 2/10/2014.
- Results of last year’s review and Director’s reply was distributed for review
Staff appreciation event: Committee Appointed
- Linda Elliott, Terri Thompson, Anne Janak and Emily Ward will facilitate the event.
- All board members will contribute to the event.
- DATE: MONDAY, MAY 5 5:00pm.
LD 1664:
- The Board of Trustees voted unanimously to add their signatures in support of LD 1664, An Act to Encourage Charitable Contributions to Nonprofit Organizations
Items for next agenda:
- Capsule job descriptions
- Retreat agenda
- Budget
- Nominating Committee: Members to bring a minimum of 2 names to next meeting. Skill sets needed/wanted: IT, fundraising, donor contacts, civil engineer and/or architect.
Trustee Comments
Meeting Adjourned
Next Meeting: THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20, 2014 7:00 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Sarah Taylor, Secretary
Meeting Date
January 16, 2014
7:00 PM
Introduction of Thomas Corbett, new Network Administrator
Meeting called to order
Adoption of Minutes, November 21, 2013
Treasurer’s Report
Library Director’s Report
Friends of the Library Report
President’s Remarks
Consent Calendar:
Community Relations Committee
Development Committee
Unfinished Business
Strategic Planning: Review of Discussion with Tom Hall, Town Manager
Discussion on annual retreat plans
New Business
Review of By-Laws
Distribution of Library Director Evaluation Form
Appoint committee for staff appreciation event
Capsule Job Descriptions – for information
Items for next agenda:
Trustee Comments
Perpetual Calendar:
Second reading and approval of draft budget
Personnel Committee compiles and reports the results of Library Director Evaluation Forms
Board holds Executive Session to discuss Director’s Evaluation documents
Draft budget submitted to Town Manager
Nominations for next Board year confirmed by Nominating Committee
Library Director’s final goals presented to full Board
Review of blocking software parameters