Borrowing Materials

Through an understanding with the Town of Scarborough, the private Scarborough Public Library Corporation provides free public library borrowing services to residents of the Town of Scarborough.

The Town supports this service through an annual appropriation to the Library. The Library also serves members of the non-resident public who pre-pay a fee.

A.    Who May Borrow

A valid record in the patron database and a current bar-coded library identification card or photo ID are required for checkout of all materials.

  1. Standard Resident Card
    1. Scarborough residents having a permanent Scarborough address, non-resident property owners, students attending Scarborough schools, and employees of Scarborough businesses may apply in person for a free library card. This multi-purpose card is used to borrow materials and to use library public access computers.
    2. Individuals will be asked to provide proof of residence, property ownership, school attendance, or employment at the time of registration for a card as well as verification of mailing address. Proof of address may be a Maine driver's license, Maine ID card, current utility bill or rent receipt, tax bill or valid passport. [Note: Any person who is a Maine resident, or a nonresident temporarily domiciled in the State with a mailing address in the State may apply for an official state non-driver identification card.]
    3. Homebound residents are served by the library bi-monthly delivery service and may fill out an application at home with the assistance of a family member or the delivery driver. This service is also provided to residents living in residential or nursing care facilities.
  2. Non-Resident Cards

    Non-residents who do not own or rent property in Scarborough, nor work in Scarborough, nor attend school in Scarborough, may be issued a one-year card upon payment of a non-refundable annual fee and verification of residence and mailing address. A non-resident card may be renewed annually.
  3. Temporary Resident or Seasonal Card
    1. Anyone who does not own or rent property in Scarborough on a year-round basis but maintains a temporary domicile in Scarborough may purchase a three-month seasonal pass (June-Labor Day) or a 12-month non-resident borrower’s card. 
    2. Upon verification of a current Scarborough street address, and providing acceptable identification and payment of a usage fee, the library will issue a borrower’s card. This card entitles the signer and family to full library privileges and indicates agreement to obey all of the rules and regulations of the library.
    3. The fee for such cards shall be determined by the Board of Trustees.  
  4. Free Courtesy Card

    The Library Director or designee may authorize that a courtesy card be made available to a patron who does not meet any of the above criteria.

B.    Borrower’s Agreement

Upon completing and signing the card application, the borrower agrees to comply with the rules and regulations of the library and the posted fee schedule:

  • Return all library materials on or before the due date.
  • Handle the library materials borrowed with extra care.
  • Pay all outstanding charges promptly to remain a borrower in good standing.

Completion of the application requires an alternate phone number or secondary contact in addition to the home number. 

C.    Card Renewal

Library cards are renewable annually. To renew a card all outstanding fees must be paid.

D.    Loan Period

Most Scarborough Public Library materials may be borrowed for an initial three-week loan period with one three-week renewal possible if no reserves have been placed on the item.  The exception is that DVDs may be borrowed for an initial one-week loan period with one one-week renewal possible. 

A courtesy email is sent two days before an item is due.  Patrons without email receive a courtesy telephone call after an item is one week overdue.  All patrons receive a final notice once an item is three weeks overdue.

A daily fee will not be charged for extended use of an item(s) beyond its return date.

E.    Lost or Damaged Materials

The cardholder is responsible for loss of materials and any damage to materials borrowed on the card. The charge for a damaged or lost item will be the replacement cost of the item, and, if assessed, a processing fee. (See Fee Schedule.) A person who knowingly fails to comply with the library policies concerning the return of materials may also be charged with a Class D crime. Source: Title 17-A M.R.S.A. §360.

F.    Fees 

Borrowing privileges may be revoked if an excessive amount of any fees is unpaid.

G.    Denial of Borrowing Privilege or Library Use

Use of the library or its materials may be denied for inappropriate conduct, loss of books or other materials, destruction or tampering with library property, or any illegal activities.

H.    Right of Appeal

The borrower may appeal denial of privileges in writing to the Library Director within 14 days of the denial.


Adopted: 6/15/2006
Amended: 2/16/2017
Revised: December 2023