Minutes of the Meeting
November 16, 2023 (hybrid meeting)

Attendees: Bill Donovan (President and Chair), Kate Borduas, Kim Corthell, J. David Dittmer, Ellen Detlefsen, Peter Freilinger, Judy Johnson, Barbara Kapp, Kathy Little, Susan Powell, Richard Schrader (Director, non-voting), Catherine Morrison (Assistant Director, non-voting) 

Absent: Nicholas McGee

The meeting was called to order at 4:32 PM by Bill Donovan.

Consent Calendar: Motion to accept was made by Ellen Detlefsen, seconded by Peter Freilinger, and carried unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: Dave Dittmer noted that all is going well from a financial standpoint at this time and referred all to the written report he had circulated to the Board. Motion to file for audit was made by Peter Freilinger, seconded by Ellen Detlefsen, and carried unanimously. 

Library Director’s Report: Chip Schrader reported that, at a recent meeting with town manager, Tom Hall, he was advised to focus the library’s messaging on need rather than want in future expansion requests to the Town Council. He is currently working on metrics comparing library use in 1989, when the current building was constructed, to 2023. These figures will show the Council that a huge increase has occurred over the years. Peter Freilinger suggested that Chip should start tracking groups we can’t currently accommodate in the library’s available space in addition to numbers of people actually using the library. A lengthy discussion followed, and everyone agreed that this should be continued at the next Board meeting. 

Note: Judy Johnson arrived at 4:37 PM during the Library Director’s Report.

Town Councilor’s Remarks: Nick McGee was absent. 

President’s Remarks: Bill Donovan tabled his remarks until later in the meeting. 

New Business:

5K Grant for sundial. Chip Schrader explained that Else Rowe has been working with a local artisan to design a sundial, a piece of outdoor art to be installed near the circular drive in front of the library. If we decide to go ahead with the project, the total cost would be approximately $6000, for which there is potential grant funding. The Board asked for more details, particularly where the sundial would be placed on the property and the source of the grant money. Chip will follow up and send more information by email to the Board. 

Strategic plan. Reporting for the PNG committee, which will oversee this effort, Kim Corthell said they will hold a special meeting the last week of November, to clear other items on their agenda so they can devote their full attention to the strategic plan. They are currently researching and reviewing previous plans and will then formulate a process for developing the new one. She emphasized that the full Board will have input in the process and should be prepared for a lengthy session to discuss the plan early in 2024. 

Report and discussion on Community Center Ad Hoc Committee/Meeting Library and Committee. Bill Donovan, Susan Powell, and Chip Schrader attended a Zoom meeting with Todd Souza, Scarborough community services director, and representatives from Utile, the planning consultants who have been hired to guide the process for the committee. Bill reported that it was a very positive discussion about the library’s space needs. Going forward, we need to consider which of our programs are really important and relevant to the library and which ones are more community oriented and could easily take place in a community center. 

Note: Kate Borduas left at this point in the meeting, 5:29 PM. 

Items for Next Agenda: 

Presentation of the audit
Continued discussion regarding library metrics and needs assessment for the director’s report to
Town Council
Update on the by-laws 

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn was made by Peter Freilinger, seconded by Ellen Detlefsen, and carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 5:31 PM. 

Respectfully submitted by Barbara Kapp, Secretary

Meeting Date