The Scarborough Public Library adheres to the following:
We maintain all user information, documents, and records in all formats according to the appropriate standards of confidentiality and security.
We use the services of a confidential destruction company to collect and dispose of all confidential documents associated with borrower transactions and donations and to dispose of IT equipment such as computer hard drives.
The Library is committed to protecting the privacy of our patrons. We limit our collection and use of borrower information to that which we need to effectively manage Library operations, plan our services, and promote the use of the Library.
We do not reveal information to third parties about any borrower transactions except as may be required by Library policy or statute. The Library is not responsible for personal information left in Library materials, at the public printer, photocopier, or embedded in public access computers. Material left in our public copiers and printers is collected for disposal.
Our procedures are designed to help ensure the accuracy and completeness of our borrower or donor information. Any inaccuracies are addressed immediately.
Information displayed on Library public access computers and/or printers is deemed to be confidential and will not be revealed to law enforcement except as required by Library policy or statute. Borrower information is accessible only to library employees with an internal business need to see it. We train our employees in their responsibilities in handling confidential borrower information. Confidential borrower information is not discussed in any public areas of the Library or in the presence of third parties such as volunteers or trustees.
To search our library catalog successfully, your browser must be set to accept cookies. Like most organizations and businesses, we use cookie technology and similar code on our web sites to facilitate searching and site navigation through our web catalog and to collect non-personal information about users of the library web site and catalog such as:
- a user's IP address (i.e., the type of web browser and version (i.e. Firefox, Safari, or Internet Explorer) and operating system (i.e. Windows or MAC) being used,
- the pages of the web site a user visits and
- the referring web site (i.e. the web site visited just prior to visiting the library web site).
We collect this information in order to monitor functionality of our web site and to improve design aspects of our web site. These cookies and their resulting data do NOT contain any personally identifiable information such as your name or email address.
Any external person or organization offering products or services to our borrowers or staff must receive prior Library Board authorization.
Donations made to the Library may be publicly acknowledged unless the donor requests anonymity. The Library complies with reporting standards required by standard auditing practice, state, and federal regulations.
Donor mailing lists are compiled from borrower information and other publicly attainable information for the exclusive use of the Library and will not be shared with nonaffiliated entities.
Approved: 9/21/00; amended 9/18/03; 6/21/2007; 10/17/2008; 6/21/2018