Policy on the Retention of Records

The Scarborough Public Library will retain records only as long as needed for efficient operation of the library taking into consideration:

  • Compliance with statutes
  • Accepted accounting procedures
  • Protection of the public’s assets including collections and equipment
  • Borrower Privacy Policy

Records may be held in print or in electronic formats on servers or storage media.

A records retention schedule shall be maintained and reviewed annually by library staff as part of the year end financial review. The schedule will include name of record, record format, length of retention, schedule for disposal or deletion, and appropriate disposal method.

Records that have reached the end of usefulness will be destroyed or disposed of in an appropriate manner to preserve confidentiality.


Adopted 10/16/2003, Renewed 6/21/2018


  • Borrower Privacy Policy 9/18/03, revised 6/21/2018
  • Records Retention charts


Adopted 10/16/03